Monday, March 5, 2012


Man, the weather this time of year! So indecisive and wacky. Snow, rain, super-cold, almost warm. But considering that it's like this every year around this time, this makes for rather sad and uninteresting subject matter.

Follow this link for fun stuff!

You're welcome. I do hope you weren't planning to go anywhere for a while.

So I recently got new glasses. My old ones were crooked (very crooked) and not entirely what I had wanted in the first place due to being the free insurance-paid pair (they give you about ten choices, half of which should only be worn when one is at absolutely no risk of being seen), and I realized that I really needed to start wearing them on a regular basis. I like being able to read things, it's just in my nature. Not being able to read things makes me anxious.

The fact that my new glasses bear a strong resemblance to the ones that a certain dashing Doctor tends to wear while reading things on his TARDIS's console and generally saving planets from disaster... Yeah, that is a complete coincidence. They just look good on me, that's all! Besides, no one can pull off square-framed glasses like David Tennant, and I really wouldn't dream of attempting it. Honest. But I have been told by quite a few people that my new specs look pretty good on me, so that's nice. (And they're a little more rounded than the Doctor's, anyway. Even though I totally wasn't going for that... Oh, alright. I'll stop with the TV Tropes potholing. -sigh-)

I don't suppose anyone reading this is an Order of the Stick fan? You've missed this by now anyway, but its creator (Rich Burlew) recently raised over one million dollars on KickStarter in under a month. He was initially asking for about 60k just to reprint one of the books, and ended up with enough to reprint the entire series and add a whole bunch of goodies along the way. Plus some, I think. I contributed, which was fun, and also means that I get all of the print-only books that were previously out of stock. I'm certainly happy about it. Also totally surprised and indescribably impressed.

(Link to Order of the Stick.)
(Link to OotS KickStarter page.)

Anyway, now that I've done a bit of advertising for two things that are my favorites in their respective medias, I think I'll wrap this blog post up. Why do I keep posting so late at night/early in the morning? Oh, right... It's because I'm an inveterate night owl. Yeeeaaahhh... (That could have been either a drawn out 'yeah' or a yawn. I'll leave that one open to interpretation.)

So long.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

All The Things It Is

It's 2012. The year that could possibly be expected to awe, astound, horrify, and destroy. Or perhaps just prove a whole bunch of loonies to be utterly incorrect. Personally I expect December 21st to come and pass with no more than a load of hype, but I'm still quite interested to see how it goes. You never know, really. According to a poll I took on my FanFiction profile, "our world will suddenly become a musical, and we will become unable to refrain from bursting into random song." Though I expect people just chose the option that amused them the most, so that's probably inaccurate.

It's three o'clock in the morning. A time that is generally reserved for sleep. Alas, TVTropes.Org has a tendency to distract those who might otherwise have gone to bed at midnight, i.e. it's not really my fault. I was sucked into a devious plot to deprive America of its snooze-time. I've always been of the mind that sleep is kind of useless anyway, but only in the sense that I spend a third of my life sleeping and wish I could do something else with it. Staying up all night and then trying to function in the morning has proven to me that sleep is most certainly not useless as far as continued mental and physical functioning goes.

It's snowing like crazy, and the weather just can't seem to make up its mind. Negative [single digit, for lack of a perfect and precise memory] at the end of last week, followed by forty degrees on Sunday, followed by sudden snow today. Very sudden, as shown by this paraphrased example of my actions: [Arrives at mother's apartment building and gets out of car, ground is clear, air is above freezing, no snow is falling. Goes into building and up the stairs to mother's apartment, has short conversation with some people who are entirely irrelevant to this story and so shall not be named or described. Looks out window approximately five minutes after arriving at apartment building to the sight of a veritable blizzard and at least an inch of snow on the street.] And apparently tomorrow evening the temperature is supposed to be back down below zero. Weather in Vermont, I tell you.

It's really sad how many people enjoy just bashing on the things that they don't enjoy. I was reading through the Avatar: The Last Airbender TV Tropes page, and it led me to YouTube and FanFiction, and I found many things that reinforced my preexisting assumption that there are very few people in that fandom (and most others, I believe) who know how to be neutral. I'm not neutral about my 'ship preferences, but at least I don't go around hating on people who don't agree with me. Honestly, sometimes it's so bad that I find myself wanting to argue with someone who has the same opinions as me just because they're being so unpleasant about it. Bizarre, really. (That's my word of the month. I can't seem to stop saying it. It's a good word, and I also enjoy it's similarity to "bazaar", especially since they're so similar and yet have nothing in common. But I digress.)

It's kind of strange that I said I would keep posting in this blog despite it being pointless, and then didn't post for... seven months? Eight months? I'm actually not even sure why I'm posting now. I sort of felt like blathering on about things without having to direct it at someone, I guess. Possibly due to my issues with the subject of the last paragraph. So here I am. I find myself odd occasionally.

It's getting to be too late to be doing this. If I don't go to sleep soon I won't get up until noon. Which would be bad, probably.

It's been nice blathering on to a non-judgmental and entirely uninterested audience. So long.


(I really hope this post still makes sense when I'm not sleep-deprived.)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Blog Is Pointless!

So I was just reading Hyperbole and a Half, and it made me realize that my blog has no point whatsoever. I'm not famous and therefore don't need a blog to keep my fans up-to-date on my doings. I don't have some incredibly moving life story to tell the world. (The first time I tried to type 'life', it came out 'pie'. No joke. I think the world may be trying to tell me something.) My blog isn't even that funny, and even if it was, I don't have enough readers for a humor blog to be worth it. How do people even get the word out about these things, anyway? All of the blogs with thousands of followers... How did that happen? I just don't understand.

I started this blog under some strange impulsive influence, possibly a large amount of sugar. I don't know what I thought I was going to do with it; maybe I thought a large amount of people would actually be interested in the random crap I do during the course of my life. Whatever the reason, unless some miracle occurs, I don't think this blog is ever going to attract large crowds and be worth the time it takes to write it. I have four followers, all of whom I otherwise know and personally informed about it, and three of whom I'm fairly certain don't even know how the update alerts work and where to find them. (If I'm mistaken, feel free to drop a comment and tell me that you are in fact reading these posts.)

But you know what? Even though it is incredibly unsatisfying, I'm still going to keep writing this thing. What the hell, right? Guess I'll just see where it goes.

~A self-pitying Kina

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Case of the Nasties


Anyone know what that sound means? It means, "I have a nasty cold that won't go away." You know that vacation I was talking about in my last entry? Well, turns out that pretty much everyone who went to that conference came home with a cold. It was definitely worth it, but...well... Eeeeeeeeuuuuuuurrrrrgghhhh. I'm hungry but I can't eat, I constantly feel tired, I have a nagging cough, my head is pounding... Blegh.

I actually got bombarded with a lot of stuff when I got home from my totally relaxed week away. My mom had ordered my end of year test, so I had to take that. (I now never have to take one again. Yay to being able to graduate at sixteen.) And I also have my end of year piano recital coming up this Sunday, so I've had to practice extra hard for that. Craziness, I tell you! Craziness!

Things have pretty much died down now, thank God. But now the summer heat seems to be setting in. I friggin' hate extreme heat, and it looks like we're going to have another sweltering summer like last year. My dad is actually predicting that it's going to be worse than last year. -sigh-


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vacational Fun

So for the last few days, guess where I've been? At an awesomely cool hotel/water park in New Hampshire at an unschooling conference. The water park has this cool wave pool, and tube slides that are completely dark and so much fun, and a huge hot tub... So cool. And the room's beds are ridiculously comfortable. And the weather has been unbelievably nice for four out of the five days. And am I making anyone jealous yet?

The only drawbacks are really that I desperately need to update my fanfictions and that's really not happening. My poor readers are going to have to go almost (more than?) a month with no chapter from yours amazingly. How sad. Also the fact that I have a piano recital coming up that I need to practice, practice, practice and have my piece completely memorized for, and I'm going an entire week without so much as touching a key. But I think I'll probably still manage it, and it's almost certainly worth it.

We leave tomorrow morning, but I have to say that this has been an awesome vacation. -does happy dance-


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Even More Evidence That I'm A Geek

You know, I used to think that I had a pretty good eye for colors. Trying to format a blog so that nothing clashes but there aren't too many instances of repeating colors has taught me otherwise. I never realized how few usable shades of gray there really are. Which is rather ironic, considering that I decided to be poetic and name my most recent–okay, fine, I admit it–my only piano composition "Shades of Gray".

On a different note, I have recently discovered that I require glasses to see anything past fifteen feet or so clearly. I just went to the eye doctor this morning, and while my right eye is fine, my left eye needs help. Not too badly, though. I believe he said that I have 20/30 vision. Not as good as the 20/20 I used to have, but not horrible. I don't really need glasses for everyday usage, but with the fact that I'm in the process of learning to drive and I can't really see the signs clearly, I figured getting a pair would be a good idea. "What street was it that she said?" -squints at signs flashing by- "Hm…" -runs into telephone pole- Not really something that I want happening to me. The whole thing is kind of annoying, though. Sixteen years of great vision and then BAM! My mom's bad eyesight hits me. My dad says it's because I spend too much time reading and staring at a computer screen instead of looking out at the lovely scenery that surrounds our house, but I say it was inevitable. And honestly, even if it was because of that, I'd pick wearing glasses over giving up reading. -clutches books to chest and begins shouting about how "they'll never take me alive!"- Hm... That just got a song stuck in my head. Good thing it's a song I like.

So I had to pick out frames for my wonderful new eyeglasses, and I discovered that I'm more of a square person. Well, rectangular, technically. One of the pairs I tried on, my mom snickered at and said, "Those are the kind your father would call 'birth control glasses'." I asked her why, and her explanation was, "Because no one would ever do anything with someone wearing them." Needless to say, I didn't get those ones. The ones I decided on are pretty normal looking. Small-but-not-too-small rectangular wire-rims in the marvelous color of black. I'm excited to see what they look like on me when they're not crooked. I think someone sat on the pair I was trying on.

~A slightly near-sighted Kina

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yep, I'm Starting A Blog

Hello, anyone who happens to decide to read this. -waves-

I mulled it over for a while, trying to decide if any blog I wrote would be anything that anyone anywhere could possibly find interesting enough to read, taking into consideration the fact that I probably wouldn't update it much. As is plainly obvious, I decided to give it a go. What could it hurt, right?

So the title, in case anyone is curious, is inspired by multiple things. Its most literal application would be that I'm a perfectionist and that I'm a little bit nuts. Yes, that is one of the reasons it's called that. Another is that one of my favorite songs is Perfect Insanity by Disturbed. Also, it looked cool when I typed it into the text box for the blog's URL. Voila! The blog "Perfection and Insanity" was born. I quite like it.

As boring as it might be, this is just going to be an introductory post. I don't really have the time or the ideas to get into anything else at the moment. But I would get REALLYREALLYREALLY excited if anyone started following this, just for the record. -hint hint-

This is Kina, over and out.